Separated at Birth?

Peggy Nooner's Crying Game



Meeting is Adjourned

What am I, a Mind Reader?

Just an Old Softy

Nice Beaver

What Did He Say?

Master is Angry

Our Brave Leader

Want to Meet My Sister?

Does this Frighten You?

I Was Intoxicated

Dem in Need of a Spine

Little Howie Fineman

Babe Magnet

Thinking is Hard

Token Thomas

Dick Before Congress

Bush's Jobs Program

Lott Froths and Bulges

Laura's Holy Enema

Singing Ashcroft

Governor Kheney Grumbles

Baking Brownies

Resist the Borg Republicans



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3/13 Press Conference


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Dreams and Dreaming Updated


This morning while driving to work, I had the pleasure of listening to the Neanderthal Republican disk jockeys of the local Clear Channel rock station (that rarely plays music) make complete fools of themselves by speculating that the moon has less gravity because it doesn't have an atmosphere, and that if the earth stopped spinning, we'd all fly off into space. These are the sort of people who voted for Bush and think global warming is nonsense. Without shitty public schools churning out ignoramouses every year, the Republican party would have no base. It's no wonder they won't support education unless it is diluted with religious nonsense.

Once again, Bush appointees circumvent Congressional powers. This time, it's the Election Commission. They've decided that the soft money ban passed by Congress and reluctantly signed into law only applies when candidates specifically ask for soft money. Soft money given freely, without being solicited, is still perfectly legal, according to the FEC. These people have no shame, really they don't. I hope John McCain is paying attention to this. Senator, they have no intention of playing fair, so it's time you dropped the pretense of gamesmanship.

That smoking gun from yesterday that really meant absolutely nothing and had no relevant information so it wasn't a smoking gun at all? The White House wants the FBI to investigate how this unimportant information was leaked. Why would that be?

"We never saw it coming." Ok, so a 100 yard long asteroid passed earth within 75,000 miles a week ago today. That is to say, we were with maybe three seconds of a serious impact, an impact that would take at least 24 hours to determine that it was not, in fact, an atomic explosion. Would WWIII have started in the interim? That's hard to say. What isn't hard to say is that we are unprepared for such an event, so unprepared that it was three days after the asteroid passed before anyone even noticed it. But you know, we can't afford to spend money looking for these things. We have to build a missile defense system that doesn't work.

US loses to Germany 1-0. All I have to say is I am very proud of the US team. Germany is a great team and it is an honor to lose to them this far into the World Cup.

Update to the Dreams and Dreaming page. Check it out, especially if you or anyone you know is involved in the investigation of the little girl kidnapped in Utah.


The smoking gun that they are trying very hard to tell us isn't smoking. No, that's not smoke you see issuing from the barrel, pay no attention, look - Fornication Island, The Great American Twit Search, Tim Russert of Press the Meat.

"If that is true, then there is really no limit to the president's power to label U.S. citizens as bad people and then have them held in military custody indefinitely." King George is being fitted for his crown. The Washington Post weighs in again. This administration is rushing in where angels fear to tread. They think Americans will just roll over and cry "protect us, whatever it takes!" They're in for a surprise.

Sometimes you just shake your head in disbelief. Sometimes, this administration floats a fart so vile... arg! words cannot express the incredulity I felt when I read this:

The Army Corps of Engineers' dumping of toxic sludge into the Potomac River protects fish by forcing them to flee the polluted area and escape fishermen, according to an internal Environmental Protection Agency document.

The document says it is not a "ridiculous possibility" that a discharge "actually protects the fish in that they are not inclined to bite (and get eaten by humans) but they go ahead with their upstream movement and egg laying."

Ok. It doesn't take a biologist to realize that fish "not inclined to bite" will also be 'not inclinded to eat' and thus very 'inclined to float belly up.' We can save the fish by making them so ill they'll have no desire to eat and so fishermen won't be able to catch them. War is Peace. It makes me wonder how the person who wrote this can look at themselves in the mirror. Where did they hire this person, from the Weekly World News?

Dubyaspeak quote of the day:

Within this Cabinet department, we're going to have four basic functions. One are borders.

-- Kansas City, Missouri, June 11, 2002

Yet another link between Jose Padilla and Oklahoma City? Specific warnings were received in the weeks before.

Another good reason why a tooth phone is a bad idea.

Today we mourn the passing of John 'Tiny the Meat Man' Townes. We didn't know Mr. Townes, but anybody with a name like Tiny the Meat Man will be missed by all.



Business Week joins the fracas, criticizing Bush for the illegal detention of an American citizen.

Of course, Mr. Bush knows all about freedom. According to his wranglers, he has been brushing up on his philosophistry, reading that French feller, whatsisname, Daytokeville? Why, just the other day, he was spittin out big words in the Oval Office left and right, tawkin like he was Gawd Almighty about Nickeldimean Ethics and whatnot.

Does anything Bush proposes not have ulterior motives? The Office of Homeland Security will not only protect us from terrorists (but without changing the FBI or CIA one whit), it will help to bust up federal employee unions, and it will cost much more than they are saying it will cost. Maybe it will take a ballsy loon like Larry Klayman, or this San Francisco attorney, to expose the truth.

I don't own a cell phone and probably never will. I just don't see the point of being constantly in contact with everyone in the world, and talking on the phone isn't one of my favorite activities. I have no desire to do it while driving, or shopping in the grocery store, or taking a dump in a public toilet. So the mere suggestion of a tooth phone that keeps you perpetually connected makes me wonder why anyone would want to subject themselves to that kind of hell.

Chinese pyramids?

Tennessee government is on the verge of a shutdown because the Nazi bastards who rule this state through fear and intimidation (re: the Republican party) won't allow any serious discussion of a new tax passage. Right now, they're trying to figure out a way to keep State Troopers, prison guards, and caregivers at state mental hospitals on the job without pay. I'm so glad the adults are in charge here.



Who trotted out this turd hopper to frighten the populace? I thought about writing to the Post to complain, but what's the point? The Post doesn't care if you complain. They have their duty to fulfill, and that means providing a sheet for the administration to publish its lies and distortions. So let's take a look at Dennis Pluchinsky's argument right here.

Real Life intrudes. Deadlines, deadlines.


6/17/02 - Holy Smoking Gun!

(Or not)

"... German foreign secret service] indicated that an attack by a radical Arab group partially based in Germany was to occur on 10-11 September, 2001... This information was developed from official surveillance of Arab extremist groups operating in the Federal Republic as well as from intercepted communications between the Embassy of Israel and the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Tel Aviv concerning this matter. The information was "gratefully received" by the US President who stated at the time that he was also aware of the same pending assaults."

Stunning! If this is true... "Subsequent to these attacks, the office of the US President, through the US Department of State, made an urgent request to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany that no reference whatsoever should be made to the official warnings given by Ambassador Ischinger."

Revisit Watergate to see how the masters learned to play this most dangerous game of world domination.

"In its uphill battle against a new global criminal court, the Bush administration wants the U.N. Security Council to exclude all peacekeeping operations from the tribunal's jurisdiction, diplomats said." Gee, I wonder why. War crimes are damned inconvenient when prosecuted, aren't they?

Disgusting ass-wipe done by the Washington Post covering Bush's commencement speech at Ohio State. Post - "The crowd roared its approval, and, when Bush left the graduation ceremony early, others waved flags and signs of support. If there was a protest in the stadium, it was not visible to reporters." - That's because before Bush entered the stadium, the graduates were told that anyone protesting would be "subject to expulsion and arrest." Hey, Washington Post, BUSH KNEW! Report that.

If they are either with us or against us, I'd say this pretty clearly qualifies them as against us, wouldn't you? Oh yes, you say, but they have oil. I wonder if Bush and the Crown Prince talked about this Sunday.

I submit to you, gentle reader, that we have a government of war criminals. Read this, and this, and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and especially this. This 'this' list is sure to grow the pie higher.