Due to work pressures and several looming deadlines, the volume of content of UncommonSense will briefly decline. Thank you for your patience.
Daily Screed
This morning as I was driving to work, the brainwashed minions of our local Clear Channel rock station were reading an article from the National Review. Yes, the National Review. Once upon a time, rock-n-roll was about defying authority, but apparently we now embrace it.
They were reading from an article (sorry, I don't have the link) which proposed that America embraces more of Marxism than Americans are willing to admit, and went on to list the myriad ways that this evil philosophy has taken over America and turned us all into reds and commies - or at least, those of us who support Democratic party.
The DJs focused on one item - the progressive income tax. The article states, for comparison, that Russia, former citadel of Marxism, has since instituted a 13% flat tax. America, land of democracy, uses a tax system suggested by Marx, while Russia prefers one designed by... who, Adam Smith? Steven Forbes?
The DJs forgot one thing, though. Russia, with its flat tax, is perpetually on the brink of economic collapse. Things aren't particularly rosy here in the USofA, but we are much better off with our progressive income tax than Russia is with its flat one.
Another thing... Every morning, this same station plays a commercial produced by the local gargantuan all-white criminally-wealthy Protestant church. Each morning we hear a different 30-second religious message meant to inspire and uplift us. These messages adopt the usual white Protestant model - a lame made-up parable written by someone who once has aspirations of being a writer before throwing in the towel and choosing a spanky career in devotional Christian scribblings. After the heart-rending revelation, we are treated to a Paul Harvey moral and the rest of the story.
First let me state that I don't know how much these daily commercials cost. It is a different commercial each day, so I imagine it isn't cheap. I'm sure there are other ways to spend that money to further God's work, but then again, this isn't about God's work, it's about promoting a big ass church. My wife's grandfather, on the other hand, lives on a small fixed income but does more that Pastor Blaster could ever dream of doing. Each week, he sends out truckloads of food and clothing that he and a few other retired men collect. These donations go to missions providing for local poor people. Some weeks, he's sent as many as four truckloads. And he doesn't advertise his achievements on the radio. But then again, he's also the recipient of a silver star, a bronze star with three clusters, and two purple hearts.
Meanwhile, Pastor Blaster does his radio spots. He and I go way back. A long time ago, I was between jobs and took a janitorial position at my church, where this same preacher was assigned. At the time, I was not particularly devout, but neither did I have many doubts.
One day, as I was passing the pastor's office, I heard him and a member of the church joking about the misfortunes of another member of the church. I'd never heard a preacher do something like this before. I thought that a belief in Christ so strong that it leads you to become a preacher would prevent such crass, profane, worldly entertainments. But I was wrong. Because this preacher's calling wasn't to perform a mission, it was to acquire a profession. He could just as well have been a salesman.
This happened not long after he was assigned to our church, and I began to quietly warn others about him. No one believed me, and before long, I quit going to that or any other church because I couldn't abide the hypocricy. Turns out that after I left, people caught on to this guy, and in time, they ran him off - requested a different preacher, something that doesn't happen very often. So after being driven out in disgrace, he was assigned to one of the largest and wealthiest Protestant churches in the area, where he now offers daily 30-second messages of spiritual renewal. Looks like he was a salesman after all.
Reassigning and promoting problem spiritual leaders is not a practice endemic only to the Catholic church.
Daily Read
A local voice of reason, arguing that liberal isn't a dirty word.
Sometimes the Senate Dems surprise you. Like this measure, written into the horrible anti-bankruptcy bill, to prevent abortion protestors from using bankruptcy to get out of paying huge court settlements as a result of their destructive actions. This is causing the House Repubs concern - they might have to oppose a bill that favors their wealthy contributors if it harms their militant right-wing supporters. Way to go, Dems! Do whatever it takes to stop this bill.
Free speech continues it's downward spiral. May I suggest a tactic for Bush protestors? Pull a double-cross. Look like Bush supporters, arrive with flags stuck in your hats and pro-Bush signs covering your protest signs, and let the police escort you to a primo spot for presidential viewing. Then, when the moment arrives, tear off your masks and let the Monkey Boy see how you really feel.
Not all Republicans are nuts. But then again, if they aren't nuts, does that mean they aren't Republicans?
Sometimes you wonder if people aren't totally insane. What world do they live in, that they think they can do something like this?
Daily Screed
There are many arguments against the death penalty, and this article does the best job I have ever seen summarizing them.
But the best argument against the death penalty cannot be stated in legalistic terms and recounts of court cases, or even in anecdotal references to travesties of justice.
It is common sense, pure and simple. Until we are able to restore life to those we execute by mistake, it is criminal to continue murdering them.
At least in prison, they can be released and compensated if found innocent. There is no compensation for a premature ticket to the grave.
Daily Read
The complete disconnect from reality displayed by Bush is sometimes astounding to witness. First there were the statements from Condoleeza Rice and the unnamed White House staffer saying that Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez should respect democratic principles and that winning a majority of the votes does not automatically confer legitimacy. Now we have Bush saying of Yassar Arafat, "He hasn't earned my respect yet. He must earn my respect by leading." By leading! Bush is deluded. He has RFD (Rich-Fuck's Delusion). This is a mental illness characteristic of spoiled rich fucks, and can be identified by such delusional statements as "I had to work for everything I got."
Now the story about Chavez supporters firing on unarmed protesters begins to fall apart. Apparently, there were snipers on the roofs. This has the stink of the CIA all over it. Soon the US will lose even plausible deniability.
Tell me this isn't scary as all get-out.
Ok, so this kid is being prosecuted by the SEC for doing essentially the same thing as the executives of Enron and the big Wall Street brokerage firms. I wonder who will do more time. While Kenny Boy is sipping Cosmos on a beach in Antigua, this kid will still be in jail.
A little John Ashcroft history to get the day started. Good background for his views on the Microsoft case.
What's more important to GWB? Tax cuts for the rich, or real domestic security measures (as opposed to the ones described below)? Tax cuts for the rich, or desperately-needed social programs? Do you need a hint? Really, do you? OK. To cut taxes for the wealthy, Bush wants to cut funds to update voting equipment that would help prevent a Florida repeat. But then again, Florida was good for him, so why would he want to prevent it? Bush wants to reduce the size of the military even as he proposes widening the war against terrorism - sounds like he wants to lose, doesn't it?.
Daily Screed
Say you join an organization dedicated to activism and peaceful demonstration. And say you buy a plane ticket to fly to an organized demonstration somewhere. And say you are stopped at the airport. And say half the people you are with, who are members of the same organization, are also stopped. And say you are stopped because a list from the FBI has your name on it. And say you are only 16 years old. Couldn't you deduce that that FBI is obtaining membership lists of peace organizations and labelling their members as terrorist threats?
I have an idea. Let's pretend this is still America. I remember the place well. It was a country worth fighting for, worth defending. But Jarge Dubya Bush and the Crisco Kid are turning our country into the old Soviet Union.
2004 can't come quickly enough, but at least we have 2002 to make a statement. Let's hope we are able to make one.
Daily Read
It just blows me away that news reports can calmly and deliberately describe preparations for a US invasion of Iraq. Don't they get it? They're talking about an unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country! This is insanity. Who are we, Nazi Germany? Do we need breathing room?
D'ya think somebody here is bucking for some of that gubment faith-based sponsorship?
The only area where Georgie shows real competence is GOP fundraising. If he put this much energy into his real job, he might even seem like a president. Instead we have a head cheerleader. Give that man a bullhorn!
Now this took balls. For this CIA man to say that, to completely protect this country from terrorist attack would require so many restrictions on civil liberties that it would create a country not worth defending. Amen, brother.
Yet more evidence that the US was directly involved in the Venezuelan coup.
Why can Dan Burton investigate this crap, but he can't investigate what happened on 9/11?
Can you say hypocricy? Bush presses Yugoslavia to assist war crimes tribunal. This is the same Bush who plans to unsign the World Court treaty.
Daily Screed
Not so rarely do you get yet another chance to view yet another example of media whoredom as this pathetic pukefest in the utterly misnamed Talahassee Democrat.
What, Bush dresses well - slightly preppy? He hasn't changed the tone in Washington, but he has changed office fashions. I guess people there are just dying to sacrifice even more of their meagre salary on overpriced uncomfortable unflattering business attire. Will shoulder pads be making a comeback, d'ya think?
This is what passes for substance in the media - the Sunday School measure of competence; it doesn't matter if your heart is with Jesus, just as long as you show up on Sunday in a suit and tie. I suppose his choice of pastel ties and white shirts lends to his gravitas.
two can play the image game, friends. Lucky for us, Bush does all the work
for us. We don't even have to try to make him look like a pooch-screwing idiot.
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